COVID-19 Statement by BPP
The COVID-19 global crisis is affecting us all. At BPP we are continuing to provide our usual range of services to our customers and business partners. At the same time, we maintain high standards of ‘safe distance’ working for our staff and the wider community. Our highly capable IT systems deliver ‘safe distance’, and working from home practices, as the COVID-19 situation develops.
Hence, BPP’s level of service you have come to expect will continue uninterrupted, and unaltered.
Our Priorities
Our priority is the safety of our colleagues and customers throughout this time. We will maintain operations in line with public health guidelines and government advice. Where it is safe to do so, we will continue to serve our customers to help them progress their projects.
Open for Business
BPP remains open for business and will continue to provide consultancy services to our customers. Our proven business systems allow remote working and online collaboration. Our systems are configured for secure access by our engineers and we will continue to provide analysis and project support. Our telephones are integrated with these business systems allowing us to take calls to our normal contact numbers. Our ability to be available to our clients in these times is vitally important to us especially as the global situation develops. We remain ready to support you. We have encouraged our team to work remotely wherever possible, and to follow government advice. To this end site visits or attending face-to-face meetings will be assessed on a case by case basis, noting that travel to some locations has been suspended.
Contact Us
The easiest way to contact us is either by emailing your BPP contact, or by emailing bpp@bpp-tech.com. Please also visit our websites www.bpp-tech.com and www.bpp-cables.com to see the full range of our services.